Teaching staff

Aug 20, 2024

Alacoque Lorenzini Erdmann

Categoria: Permanente

Grupo de Pesquisa: Laboratory for Research, Technology and Innovation in Policies and Management in Nursing and Health Education and Care (GEPADES)

Linha de Pesquisa: Policies and Technologies in Health and Nursing Management

Temáticas de Investigação: Policies and Management University Education and Nursing and Health Care

Bolsista: CNPq Productivity Research Fellow - Senior Level

Macro Projeto: Theoretical, philosophical, political and methodological concepts of management/administration. Nursing and health policies and management. Care management. University educational management. Management of scientific and technological production in nursing and health. Institutional evaluation of teaching, health and nursing. Construction of models and technologies in nursing and health management in the current context.

Ana Lúcia Schaefer Ferreira de Mello

Categoria: Permanente

Grupo de Pesquisa: Laboratory for Research, Technology and Innovation in Policies and Management in Nursing and Health Education and Care (GEPADES)

Linha de Pesquisa: Policies and Technologies in Health and Nursing Management

Temáticas de Investigação: Health policies, Care management, Care networks, Health governance, Patient safety and experience, Information and communication technologies in the health area, Older adults' health, Oral health care.

Macro Projeto: Evidence of best practices in health care management, focusing on aspects of health surveillance and technological innovation for the organization of care networks. Analysis of health care policies and actions in the organization of services, in health professionals' practices and in health conditions in different population groups.

Betina Horner Schlindwein Meirelles

Categoria: Colaborador

Grupo de Pesquisa: Nursing and Health Research and Technology Laboratory for People with Chronic Conditions (NUCRON)

Linha de Pesquisa: Nursing Care and Health in the Health-Disease Process

Temáticas de Investigação: Complexity in the health and nursing care management. Interdisciplinarity, Public Health Policies. Health promotion in chronic health conditions/emerging and re-emerging diseases, HIV/AIDS.

Macro Projeto: Studies relating to the care of people with chronic conditions, with the aim of understanding, analysing and intervening in the living and illness process in different contexts. Care as a new logic for practices and an integral understanding of the human being for healthy living. Models and care management in the human living process.

Bruna Pedroso Canever

Categoria: Colaborador

Grupo de Pesquisa: Research laboratory on the history of nursing and health knowledge (GEHCES)

Linha de Pesquisa: Work, Ethics, and History in Health and Nursing

Temáticas de Investigação: History of Education and Work in Health and Nursing; History of Nursing Teaching and Practices in Brazil; Teaching and Learning Strategies.

Macro Projeto: n/a

Daniele Delacanal Lazzari

Categoria: Permanente

Grupo de Pesquisa: Research Laboratory for the Care of People in Acute Health Situations (GEASS)

Linha de Pesquisa: Nursing Care and Health in the Health-Disease Process

Temáticas de Investigação: Critically ill patients. Ultrasound. ICU management. Nursing Care in Intensive Care. Teaching in Intensive Care. In situ simulation. Mixed methods.

Macro Projeto: Developing and improving quality of care indicators, including those associated with in-service education in intensive care units, using a wide range of education and care technologies, with the aim of having an impact on the quality of nursing staff training and the care provided to patients in critical health conditions.

Denise Elvira Pires de Pires

Categoria: Permanente

Grupo de Pesquisa: Research Laboratory on Ethical Work, Health and Nursing (PRAXIS)

Linha de Pesquisa: Work, Ethics, and History in Health and Nursing

Temáticas de Investigação: Work Process in Health and Nursing; History in Health and Nursing; Workers' Health; Technological Innovations and their Impact on Health Services and the Workforce; Health Sociology; Professions Sociology; Health Policies; Primary Health Care.

Bolsista: CNPq Productivity Research Fellow - Level 1B

Macro Projeto: Considering that work in health and nursing has a strong dependence on the workforce and is highly sensitive to technological innovation, the project aims to analyze the process of implementing technological innovations in health services and the relationships between the work process, the implementation process of innovations and the workloads of health professionals and managers.

Diovane Ghignatti da Costa

Categoria: Permanente

Grupo de Pesquisa: Laboratory for Research, Technology and Innovation in Policies and Management in Nursing and Health Education and Care (GEPADES)

Linha de Pesquisa: Policies and Technologies in Health and Nursing Management

Temáticas de Investigação: Operations management in nursing and health, technological innovations aimed at engaging teams and users of the health system in patient safety, patient experience, care risk management, health evaluation, adult health and fundamental nursing

Macro Projeto: Theoretical, philosophical, political and methodological concepts of operations management in nursing and health. Strategies for analyzing processes and proposing improvements. Technological innovations aimed at engaging health system teams and users in patient safety. Patient experience. Care risk management.

Elaine Cristina Novatzki Forte

Categoria: Permanente

Grupo de Pesquisa: Research Laboratory on Ethical Work, Health and Nursing (PRAXIS)

Linha de Pesquisa: Work, Ethics, and History in Health and Nursing

Temáticas de Investigação: Work process, Workers' health, Critical care, Violence at work, Disasters

Macro Projeto: It involves the study of the nursing work process in the care of people in critical health situations, in a sociological and political conception that encompasses aspects of work organization, management and control of quality and patient safety indicators, as well as the influence of technological innovations for better nursing practices.

Elisiane Lorenzini

Categoria: Permanente

Grupo de Pesquisa: Laboratory of Production, Innovation, and Research in Health and Nursing Technologies and Informatics (LAPETEC/GIATE), Laboratory for Research, Technology and Innovation in Policies and Management in Nursing and Health Education and Care (GEPADES)

Linha de Pesquisa: Models and Technologies in Clinical Practice in Health and Nursing

Temáticas de Investigação: Knowledge Translation; Mixed Methods Research; Clinical Research; Integration of services in the health system; Knowledge Translation

Bolsista: CNPq Productivity Research Fellow - Level 2

Macro Projeto: Technologies for management, quality and safety in health care and nursing. Service integration in the health system. Clinical research. Knowledge translation.

Evangelia Kotzias Atherino dos Santos

Categoria: Permanente

Grupo de Pesquisa: Laboratory for Research, Technology and Innovation in Women's Health and Newborn Nursing (GRUPESMUR)

Linha de Pesquisa: Nursing Care and Health in the Health-Disease Process

Temáticas de Investigação: Women's Health in the different phases of the vital and reproductive cycle, breastfeeding, public policies related to women, newborns, infants and children.

Macro Projeto: Health Care and Nursing in the Human Living Process of Women, Newborns and Infants in its multiple dimensions: philosophical (ontological and epistemological), biological, epidemiological, anthropological and sociological. Obstetric and neonatal care and breastfeeding. Evidence-informed public policies in Women's, Newborns' and Infants' Health and Nursing.

Flávia Regina Souza Ramos

Categoria: Permanente

Grupo de Pesquisa: Research Laboratory on Ethical Work, Health and Nursing (PRÁXIS)

Linha de Pesquisa: Work, Ethics, and History in Health and Nursing

Temáticas de Investigação: Work process in health and nursing, work, ethics and subjectivity, bioethics

Bolsista: CNPq Productivity Research Fellow - Level 1A

Macro Projeto: Analysis of health work in different organizational contexts, with a focus on environments, ethical climate and emerging bioethical issues. The health worker in the relationship between ethics and technology. Processes of professional identity construction in health education and work scenarios.

Francis Solange Vieira Tourinho

Categoria: Permanente

Grupo de Pesquisa: Laboratory for research into care, patient safety and technological innovation in nursing and health (LABTESP)

Linha de Pesquisa: Models and Technologies in Clinical Practice in Health and Nursing

Temáticas de Investigação: Digital Health, health professions education, diversity, inclusion in higher education, anti-racism education, technological research, patient safety

Bolsista: CNPq Fellow for Productivity in Technological Development and Innovative Extension - Level 2

Macro Projeto: Project based on Digital Health for the development of technological research, evaluation of models, procedures, instruments, and understanding of resources, knowledge, state of the art, theories of care, and patient safety.

Gabriela Marcellino de Melo Lanzoni

Categoria: Permanente

Grupo de Pesquisa: Laboratory for Research, Technology and Innovation in Policies and Management in Nursing and Health Education and Care (GEPADES)

Linha de Pesquisa: Policies and Technologies in Health and Nursing Management

Temáticas de Investigação: Health and nursing management, Nursing leadership, Care continuity in the transition between services, Health information and technology management, Health regulation, Qualitative research Mixed methods

Macro Projeto: Theoretical, philosophical and methodological foundations of health and nursing management. Management and leadership skills applied to health and nursing. Organization and management of the health care network and nursing care. Technological innovations, processes and strategies aimed at continuous and comprehensive care.

Gisele Cristina Manfrini

Categoria: Permanente

Grupo de Pesquisa: Nursing and Health Promotion Research Laboratory (LAPEPS)

Linha de Pesquisa: Health Promotion in the Human Living Process

Temáticas de Investigação: Primary Health Care, Family Health, Mental Health, Psychosocial Care, Disasters, Intrafamily Violence.

Macro Projeto: Nursing and interdisciplinary care approaches in primary health care and psychosocial care. Prevention of harm and promotion of mental and family health in contexts of vulnerability to violence, migration and disasters. Integrated health care network actions for risk and disaster management in humanitarian crises and public health emergencies

Helena Moraes Cortes

Categoria: Colaborador

Grupo de Pesquisa: Laboratory for Research, Technology and Innovation in Psychiatric Nursing, Psychosocial Care and Transgenderism (MentalTrans)

Linha de Pesquisa: Health Promotion in the Human Living Process

Temáticas de Investigação: Mental health; mental health care practices; psychiatric reform and the anti-asylum struggle; mental health and intersectionalities; transgenderism and mental health.

Macro Projeto: n/a

Ivonete Teresinha Schulter Buss Heidemann

Categoria: Permanente

Grupo de Pesquisa: Nursing and Health Promotion Research Laboratory (LAPEPS)

Linha de Pesquisa: Health Promotion in the Human Living Process

Temáticas de Investigação: Health Promotion, Primary Health Care, Family Health and Education and Health, Social Determination of Health, Social Determinants, Participatory Action Research, Participatory Research, Vulnerability, Equity.

Bolsista: CNPq Productivity Research Fellow - Level 2

Macro Projeto: Theoretical foundations, conceptual aspects, principles and action strategies for Health Promotion at Health Care levels. Salutogenesis. Health promotion and education in the human living process. Social determination and social determinants of the health-disease process and care, inequities. Empowerment and autonomy. Sustainable Development Goals and Health Promotion. Intersectoral health promotion actions.

José Luís Guedes dos Santos

Categoria: Permanente

Grupo de Pesquisa: Laboratory for Research, Technology and Innovation in Policies and Management in Nursing and Health Education and Care (GEPADES)

Linha de Pesquisa: Policies and Technologies in Health and Nursing Management

Temáticas de Investigação: Care Management, Governance and Management in Nursing and Health, Professional Practice Environment, Entrepreneurship in Nursing, Mixed Methods Research and Data-Based Theory

Bolsista: CNPq Productivity Research Fellow - Level 2

Macro Projeto: Theoretical, philosophical, political, social and methodological conceptions of governance in the context of nursing and health management. Governance strategies and processes with a focus on quality of care and patient safety. Technologies and innovations applied to governance and management in nursing and health. Analysis of policies and the professional practice environment in nursing and health.

Juliana Coelho Pina

Categoria: Colaborador

Grupo de Pesquisa: Laboratory for Research, Technology and Innovation in Child and Adolescent Health (GEPESCA)

Linha de Pesquisa: Models and Technologies in Clinical Practice in Health and Nursing

Temáticas de Investigação: Models and technologies for nursing care of children and adolescents. Clinical simulation in child health. Child health in the Primary Care context. Child growth and development. Epidemiology and care for prevalent childhood diseases. Children with special health needs

Macro Projeto: n/a

Jussara Gue Martini

Categoria: Permanente

Grupo de Pesquisa: Nursing and health education research and technology laboratory (EDEN)

Linha de Pesquisa: Professional and Teaching Training in Health and Nursing

Temáticas de Investigação: Professional and teaching training development in nursing and health. Permanent education in health. Teaching and learning methodologies. Interprofessional health education and collaborative work.

Bolsista: CNPq Productivity Research Fellow - Level 2

Macro Projeto: A field of research that aims to investigate and substantiate the theoretical and methodological conceptions of teaching and learning processes in the health sector. It investigates the relationships between scientific knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and the use of different methodologies and technological models in the multiple spaces of professional and teacher training in health and nursing.

Kátia Cilene Godinho Bertoncello

Categoria: Colaborador

Grupo de Pesquisa: Laboratory for clinical research, technology and education in the nursing process and critical people (LABCEPEC)

Linha de Pesquisa: Policies and Technologies in Health and Nursing Management

Temáticas de Investigação: Intensive Care Unit; Emergency; Technologies; Methodological Research in Nursing; Nursing Process; Quantitative Research.

Macro Projeto: n/a

Laís Antunes Wilhelm

Categoria: Permanente

Grupo de Pesquisa: Interprofessional Laboratory for Research and Technological Innovation in Obstetric and Neonatal Health (LAIPISON)

Linha de Pesquisa: Health Promotion in the Human Living Process

Temáticas de Investigação: Women's health care during pregnancy and childbirth, reproductive planning and cultural anthropology.

Macro Projeto: Promoting maternal and child health in an interdisciplinary way, with an emphasis on nursing and the primary health care network. Qualifying health care for women during pregnancy and childbirth, strengthening public policies in this area, with a view to reducing morbidity and mortality rates. To understand the cultural influence on the experience of the pregnancy-puerperal process of women and their families. Promoting a paradigm shift from the biomedical model to multi-professional and culturally congruent care.

Laura Cavalcanti de Farias Brehmer

Categoria: Permanente

Grupo de Pesquisa: Research Laboratory on Ethical Work, Health and Nursing (PRÁXIS)

Linha de Pesquisa: Work, Ethics, and History in Health and Nursing

Temáticas de Investigação: Work and Subjectivities - Healthy Work Environments, Moral Suffering, Emotional Intelligence, Psychosocial Risks, Ethics and Bioethics, Public Health Policies all related to work in health and nursing.

Macro Projeto: Studies of the subjective, contextual and political dimensions in professional training processes and the work process in health and nursing in different settings, education and care. Analysis of the ethical and political interfaces in the contexts of professional training and health work.

Manuela Beatriz Velho

Categoria: Permanente

Grupo de Pesquisa: Interprofessional Laboratory for Research and Technological Innovation in Obstetric and Neonatal Health (LAIPISON)

Linha de Pesquisa: Nursing Care and Health in the Health-Disease Process

Temáticas de Investigação: Obstetric Nursing, Labor and Delivery, Normal Delivery, Humanized Delivery, Cesarean Section, Professional Practice, Evidence-Based Clinical Practice, Patient-Centered Care, Patient Care Team, Morbidity and Mortality Indicators, Obstetric Violence, Delivery Rooms, Newborns, Neonatal Nursing, Neonatal Intensive Care Units

Macro Projeto: Production of knowledge in labor and birth care with a view to the qualification and humanization of care. The (lack of) information on evidence-based practices for those who provide or receive care. Health indicators and prevalence of labor and birth care practices. Public policies, the health services organization and the issue of obstetric violence. Interprofessional care and the obstetric nurse's role. Immediate newborn care and intensive care assistance

Mara Ambrosina de Oliveira Vargas

Categoria: Permanente

Grupo de Pesquisa: Research Laboratory on Ethical Work, Health and Nursing (PRÁXIS)

Linha de Pesquisa: Work, Ethics, and History in Health and Nursing

Temáticas de Investigação: Ethics; Bioethics; Public Health Policies; Human Rights; Health Advocacy; Forensic Sciences; People in violent situations; Institutional violence

Bolsista: CNPq Productivity Research Fellow - Level 1D

Macro Projeto: Bioethical problems in the health care context. Responsibility and professional autonomy in the health work process, workers' health, guaranteeing the population's right to health and in the development and improvement of Public Health Policies. Health advocacy in the different fields of health and nursing work

Margarete Maria de Lima

Categoria: Permanente

Grupo de Pesquisa: Interprofessional Laboratory for Research and Technological Innovation in Obstetric and Neonatal Health (LAIPISON)

Linha de Pesquisa: Nursing Care and Health in the Health-Disease Process

Temáticas de Investigação: Sexual health and reproductive planning; Health education and care technologies in the pregnancy and puerperal cycle; Good care practices for women during abortion, labor and birth.

Macro Projeto: Research and teaching strategies in caring for women and their families in the pregnancy-puerperium cycle. Developing, evaluating and implementing educational and care technologies in the obstetric and neonatal field. Technological innovation and good care practices for women during abortion, labor and birth. Digital health and health information in the pregnancy and puerperal cycle.

Maria de Lourdes de Souza

Categoria: Permanente

Grupo de Pesquisa: Caring & Comforting

Linha de Pesquisa: Models and Technologies in Clinical Practice in Health and Nursing

Temáticas de Investigação: Maternal mortality

Macro Projeto: Maternal mortality prediction and prevention. Proposal, application and evaluation of technologies and innovations; Systematic review, analysis and application of evidence in clinical practice; Care and comfort of women and newborns in the perinatal period; Prediction of population needs; Validation and international dissemination of technologies; International cooperation networks.

Maria Elena Echevarría Guanilo

Categoria: Permanente

Grupo de Pesquisa: Nursing and Health Research and Technology Laboratory for People with Chronic Conditions (NUCRON)

Linha de Pesquisa: Nursing Care and Health in the Health-Disease Process

Temáticas de Investigação: Dermatological Nursing - human skin health in the prevention and rehabilitation process of people with injuries. Dermatological Nursing in chronic health conditions

Macro Projeto: Study of health conditions in the different stages of the rehabilitation process in different health care environments. Care for chronic conditions of pathological and non-pathological origin and the prevention of complications. Educational strategies for care and self-care. Health assessment and treatment technology incorporation.

Maria Itayra Coelho de Souza Padilha

Categoria: Permanente

Grupo de Pesquisa: Research laboratory on the history of nursing and health knowledge (GEHCES)

Linha de Pesquisa: Work, Ethics, and History in Health and Nursing

Temáticas de Investigação: The History of Health, the History of Nursing, the History of Education, and Vulnerable Populations.

Bolsista: CNPq Productivity Research Fellow - Leve - 1A

Macro Projeto: The history of health and nursing among stigmatized and socially vulnerable populations. It historicizes the strategies of good professional practices, research, and education in stigmatized and socially vulnerable populations in light of sociological, ideological, political, and organizational principles, at their different levels of healthcare attention.

Maria Lígia dos Reis Bellaguarda

Categoria: Permanente

Grupo de Pesquisa: Research laboratory on the history of nursing and health knowledge (GEHCES)

Linha de Pesquisa: Work, Ethics, and History in Health and Nursing

Temáticas de Investigação: Epistemology and History of Nursing and Health, Nursing Work Process (Systematisation of Care/Nursing and Health Process, Death and Dying/Palliative Care, Integrative and Complementary Health Practices.

Macro Projeto: Conceptions and epistemology of nursing; historical, theoretical and sociological methodologies for research, teaching/extension and work/care/assistance in Nursing and Health. Innovation for education and care based on historical knowledge of nursing and health.

Marli Terezinha Stein Backes

Categoria: Permanente

Grupo de Pesquisa: Laboratory for Research, Technology and Innovation in Women's Health and Newborn Nursing (GRUPESMUR)

Linha de Pesquisa: Nursing Care and Health in the Health-Disease Process

Temáticas de Investigação: Obstetric and Neonatal Nursing, Women's Health in Primary Care, Prenatal Care, Breastfeeding, Women's Empowerment, Nursing Care Management, Care Humanization, Care Environment, Ecological Care, Good Care Practices Based on Scientific Evidence and Entrepreneurship in Nursing.

Bolsista: CNPq Productivity Research Fellow - Level 2

Macro Projeto: Nursing/health care management. Management and public health policies. Health care for women, newborns and infants. Pre-pregnancy care, prenatal care, post-natal care and breastfeeding. Humanization and qualification of obstetric and neonatal care. Good care practices based on scientific evidence. Protagonism and empowerment of Obstetric Nurses and women and their families in the reproductive process.

Monica Motta Lino

Categoria: Permanente

Grupo de Pesquisa: Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Educational Technologies in Health (LITES)

Linha de Pesquisa: Professional and Teaching Training in Health and Nursing

Temáticas de Investigação: Active Methodologies, Permanent Health Education

Bolsista: CNPq Fellow for Productivity in Technological Development and Innovative Extension - Level 2

Macro Projeto: Paradigmatic bases in the development and translation of educational technologies in higher education. Theoretical, philosophical, epistemological, political and methodological conceptions of management in educational and teaching organizations in professional, interprofessional and teaching training/qualification in nursing and health. Active, critical, reflective and creative learning. Virtual clinical simulation. Distance Education. Permanent Education in Health. Technological innovation in teaching-learning and health care.

Natalia Gonçalves

Categoria: Colaborador

Grupo de Pesquisa: Nursing and Health Research and Technology Laboratory for People with Chronic Conditions (NUCRON), Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Educational Technologies in Health (LITES)

Linha de Pesquisa: Nursing Care and Health in the Health-Disease Process

Temáticas de Investigação: chronic conditions; injuries and wounds; health-related quality of life; measurement instrument validation; technology development for the nursing process; health behaviour.

Macro Projeto: n/a

Patrícia Kuerten Rocha

Categoria: Permanente

Grupo de Pesquisa: Laboratory for Research, Technology and Innovation in Child and Adolescent Health (GEPESCA)

Linha de Pesquisa: Models and Technologies in Clinical Practice in Health and Nursing

Temáticas de Investigação: Intravenous Therapy, Patient Safety

Bolsista: CNPq Productivity Research Fellow - Level 2

Macro Projeto: Development, adaptation and application of models for pediatric patient safety. Development, adaptation, translation and evaluation of technologies and care practices for intravenous therapy. Development, application and evaluation of clinical practices, knowledge and technologies through evidence-based practice in pediatric and neonatal patient care.

Roberta Costa

Categoria: Permanente

Grupo de Pesquisa: Interprofessional Laboratory for Research and Technological Innovation in Obstetric and Neonatal Health (LAIPISON)

Linha de Pesquisa: Models and Technologies in Clinical Practice in Health and Nursing

Temáticas de Investigação: Obstetrics, Neonatology with an emphasis on technological research and a qualitative approach

Bolsista: CNPq Fellow for Productivity in Technological Development and Innovative Extension - Level 2

Macro Projeto: Production of knowledge that supports care, technological innovation and teaching in the obstetric and neonatal area. Developing research, models and technologies for obstetric and neonatal health care. Producing innovative health and nursing technologies for the health of women and newborns. To promote the development of translational research in order to improve obstetric and neonatal practice.

Rosane Gonçalves Nitschke

Categoria: Permanente

Grupo de Pesquisa: Laboratory for Research, Studies, Technology and Innovation in Nursing, Daily Life, Imaginary, Health and Family of Santa Catarina (NUPEQUIS-FAMSC)

Linha de Pesquisa: Health Promotion in the Human Living Process

Temáticas de Investigação: Family Health Promotion; Quotidian, Imaginary and the Health-Disease Process; Nursing and Health Promotion; Community Nursing and Primary Health Care; Contemporary Ways of Living and Lifestyles and the Promotion of Being Healthy; Technosociality, especially Virtual Social Networks and Health Promotion; Sensitive Reason, Care for Health and Integrative and Complementary Health Practices (PICS).

Macro Projeto: Studies from a comprehensive perspective on the Quotidian and Imaginary of the Health-Disease Process and Health and Nursing Care, involving Sensitive Reason, Health Promotion and Rehabilitation of people, families and communities, considering different scenarios, philosophical, socio-anthropological and educational conceptions, contemplating contemporary phenomena such as Technosociality, Virtual Social Networks, Migrations, Vulnerabilities, Integrative and Complementary Health Practices.

Soraia Dornelles Schoeller

Categoria: Permanente

Grupo de Pesquisa: ReHabilitar

Linha de Pesquisa: Nursing Care and Health in the Health-Disease Process

Temáticas de Investigação: Nursing care and health in the health-disease process

Macro Projeto: Theories and technologies of health care and rehabilitation nursing for living well in diversity. Interprofessional rehabilitation team in care during the life cycle and in processes of illness and death. Philosophical, theoretical, political, social, cultural, educational, historical and methodological concepts that underpin rehabilitation. Caring for people with disabilities, their families and communities